
Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day Prayer

We stand for them.......The young and the brave......Now that day is done.
We stand for them with honor, with pride, with broken hearts and empty arms......
Memorial Day.
Our heroes have gone on before us - too young to go - but too brave to stay. Our hearts were set on our lives together, an eternity of days, a future of tomorrows...... yet, day is done.
We draw together in prayer.
May we give thanks to the Almighty that we have such a land of blessing and hope to live in. A land provided and sustained by the brave of our nation. Those who have stepped forth to right wrongs and secure liberties. Those, our heroes, who have gone before us.
May we remember and pray for their families ~ seeking their comfort, their healing, their strength. May we beseech God that they may live in peace, the peace brought forth to our nation by the sacrifice of their hero.
And may we pray for one another. May we never forget what our heroes have given. May we hold our standards high and bringing their honor forth.
Those, too young to go - but too brave to stay......
Now day is done.....
Peace and Prayers,
May your Memorial Day be One of Blessing, Safety, and Honor,
Rev. Lin McGee
Former National Chaplain
Star Mothers of America, Inc.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SPECIAL PRAYERS -- Armed Forces Day

SPECIAL PRAYERS -- Armed Forces Day Each year, we in America set aside the third Saturday in May to honor our Nation's Armed Forces. . . . . .

ARMY -- I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. 'First to fight for the right, And to build the Nation's might, And the Army goes rolling along......'

MARINES -- Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. 'From the Halls of Montezuma, To the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles, In the air, on land, and sea.......'

NAVY -- I am a United States Sailor. I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me. 'Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh, Farewell to college joys , We sail at break of day, 'ay 'ay 'ay .......'

AIR FORCE -- I am an American Airman. I am a Warrior. I have answered my nation's call. 'Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun........'

COAST GUARD -- I am proud to be a United States Coast Guardsman. I revere that long line of expert seamen who by their devotion to duty and sacrifice of self have made it possible for me to be a member of a service honored and respected, in peace and in war, throughout the world. 'We're always ready for the call, We place our trust in Thee. Through surf and storm and howling gale, High shall our purpose be........'

As the mothers, fathers, family, and friends of this proud and outstanding fighting force, what better way to honor our heroes than through prayer to the Almighty? May we stand together this Saturday, May 21, 2016, as the enduring force of strength behind our military men and women ~ lifting our voices in prayer ~ giving faithful word to the Almighty for their protection, thanksgiving for their well being, petition for their wisdom, and appreciation for their service. God Bless the Men and Women of Our Armed Forces!!!


Rev. Lin McGee
Past National Chaplain Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

New Hampshire Blue Star Mother's Day

New Hampshire Blue Star Mother’s Day. (May 15, 2016)
This Sunday, May 15th, the governor shall issue a proclamation calling for a proper observance of the first Sunday after Mother’s Day which shall be known as New Hampshire Blue Star Mother’s Day recognizing and honoring all mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Since WWI mothers have hung "Blue Star Flags" in their windows while their children served in the armed forces especially during conflicts or wars. To be a Blue Mother or Father is an Honor only your child can give to you. The Blue Star stands for hope and pride.
Becoming a military parent continues the life long journey ... of hope and pride. As when your child was born, you were filled with that hope and pride as well as excitement, anxiety, fear and great joy. As you step into the walk of being a military parent that journey continues and once again life changes. You find yourself noticing even more the patriotic symbols all around you, flying your United States flag with a different kind of pride. Thus "Supporting Our Troops" in a way you have probably never before.
Life changes, as your child will hold him or herself to a higher standard, you too will find it changes your life. Forever supporting your child in a different way with even more hope and pride for serving our country to keep our land free.
May you and your child be blessed while this journey of life unfolds! Remember: "To be a Blue Star Mother or Father is an Honor only your child can give to you!"

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Military Mothers ~ A Mother's Day Tribute

No one understands quite as much as another mother what it is like to have a child leave for a combat zone. No one knows what it is like to have a veteran return -- not quite the same. No one else hears the ring of the phone in quite the same way.

This Sunday, moms across the country will be treated to breakfast in bed, homemade cards, bouquets of flowers and fancy dinners in restaurants. But for those who have sons and daughters fighting wars overseas, Mother’s Day won’t be all roses.

The term "Military Mothers" describes two distinct groups of women. On the one hand, it describes mothers whose sons and daughters are members of the military. On the other, it describes mothers who are themselves members of the military.

Though many military mothers have grown used to their children’s absences on Mother’s Day and other special occasions, it doesn’t make those times any easier especially for moms whose sons and daughters are in the line of fire in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Mothers whose children are in the military and deployed to military bases around the world or serving in a war zone far from home, live with daily fear and worry for the lives of those to whom they gave birth, and nurtured into the fine young men and women they are. They worry that those children may return home with missing limbs or with PTSD, and may not be the same person who deployed, or that they may return in a flag-draped casket.

And mothers, who must leave their children behind to go to a war zone far from home, live with daily fear for their own lives because they worry about the possibility that their children may have to grow up without a mother. And they worry about the impact their absence will have on little psyches, and whether that impact will be lasting.

We assure you, both groups are heroes.

And we'd like to wish them, and all the other mothers out there, a Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Operation Care for Troops Spring Event

Operation Care for Troops will be holding its “Memorial Day” shipping event May 19, 20 and 21st.  If you would like to volunteer please sign up at
This event’s theme is “Remembering those serving” by sending a reminder of “home” to them!
Please include the names of each person attending the event and the date or dates that they will be attending.
Hope to see you there!
The Operation Care for Troops Team

Operation Care for Troops

If you would like to add your service members name to our list please follow the guidelines below:

Beginning the shipping paperwork - If you, your unit, a family member, or friend is deployed, Please send your APO/FPO address to us with the number of troops in the unit.

Please don't post public but message FB or e-mail Ted Luszey, President,

Operation Care for Troops