
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

NH Blue Star Mother's Day

Happy New Hampshire Blue Star Mother's Day (First Sunday after Mother's Day)

In honor of our New Hampshire Blue Star Mothers, this day is dedicated to you.... Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Many people still ask what are the Blue Star Mothers of New Hampshire? Blue Star Mothers of New Hampshire is an organization dedicated to supporting the mothers of service members. We support each other and educate people on how to support families affected by military service.
I say Thank You to these moms, who raised their babies into adults, are now telling their daughters and sons to be safe. Blue Star mothers sit and wait for phone calls. These moms worry, pray, watch the news and send care packages. These moms hope their children come home, too.
I want to wish our Blue Star moms a Happy Blue Star Mother's Day. Believe it or not, your service and sacrifice do not go unnoticed. Thank you for being unselfish and for supporting the decisions your child has made. It could not have been easy for you to watch a daughter or son join the military. This grateful nation appreciates you.
I hope more and more people realize the effect the military has on a family. It is not just a spouse and children who are affected. It is an entire family. Parents, in-laws, brothers, sisters, cousins, all members of the family feel the vacancy a service member leaves when they are gone.
For our Blue Star moms, you are my hero. It is also my hope that you never forget that you are so important. It is because of your love, support and encouragement that our nation sleeps well.
To you all New Hampshire thanks you with this special day:
The governor shall annually issue a proclamation calling for a proper observance of the first Sunday after Mother’s Day which shall be known as Blue Star Mother’s Day recognizing and honoring all mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the United States Armed Forces. The governor shall urge the citizens of this state to observe this day with appropriate events.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Military Mothers ~ A Mother's Day Tribute

This Sunday, moms across the country will be treated to breakfast in bed, homemade cards, bouquets of flowers and fancy dinners in restaurants. But for those who have sons and daughters fighting wars overseas, Mother’s Day won’t be all roses.

The term "Military Mothers" describes two distinct groups of women. On the one hand, it describes mothers whose sons and daughters are members of the military. On the other, it describes mothers who are themselves members of the military.

Though many military mothers have grown used to their children’s absences on Mother’s Day and other special occasions, it doesn’t make those times any easier especially for moms whose sons and daughters are in the line of fire in Iraq, Afghanistan or she may not even know where they are.

Mothers whose children are in the military and deployed to military bases around the world or serving in a war zone far from home, live with daily fear and worry for the lives of those to whom they gave birth, and nurtured into the fine young men and women they are. They worry that those children may return home with missing limbs or with PTSD, and may not be the same person who deployed, or that they may return in a flag-draped casket.

And mothers, who must leave their children behind to go to a war zone far from home, live with daily fear for their own lives because they worry about the possibility that their children may have to grow up without a mother. And they worry about the impact their absence will have on little psyches, and whether that impact will be lasting.

We assure you, both groups are heroes.

And we'd like to wish them, and all the other mothers out there, a Happy Mother's Day!

Blue Star Mothers of NH