
Friday, February 1, 2019

Happy Birthday Blue Star Mothers

Happy 77th anniversary to our BSMA sisters!! Remember our mission of helping our Troops and Veterans, coming along side the families of our Fallen and to support each other! #bluestarmothersofamerica
Following the attacks on Pearl Harbor, there was a conversation between two men, retired Army Captain George Maines and General John Pershing. The concerns were the morale of the mothers of military personnel and the direct effect it might have on the Troops. On January 21st, 1942 the idea of a new patriotic organization was organized. The information was published on the front page of the Flint News Advertiser on Jan. 22nd. It asked military mothers to fill out a coupon and return it to receive a blue star to place in their windows. The response was so large that a meeting was called.
This meeting was on February 1, 1942. This was eight weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Just eight weeks after the death of Flint son, Jack Pitcher who was aboard the battle ship USS West Virginia. It was then that 358 mothers gathered at the Durant Hotel. Captain Maines shared the vision and after a few minutes of silent contemplation, Mrs. Adda Harris stood and challenged the mothers who sat there in silence. She asked that they give Captain Maines a vote of confidence. There was an overwhelming vote of support to start this new organization known as Blue Star Mothers of America. The rest is history!
Happy 77th. anniversary to our BSMA sisters!! Remember our mission of helping our Troops and Veterans, coming along side the families of our Fallen and to support each other!